About Me

I have been massaging for over 9 years, I try very hard to ensure everyone's experience is as relaxed and enjoyable as possible whilst remaining professional.
Massage that I provide ranges from 1hour to 3hours and I generally do full body massages as I prefer to treat the body as holistically as possible, so if there is pain in the back I will work not just directly where the pain is coming but also on the glutes and the neck which often get tight as a direct result of whatever is going on in that area, if I have time I prefer to also work on the legs as well.
I do the massage in three styles Swedish Body Massage, Naturist and Crystal Healing (prices vary depending on which one you have.)
I must reinforce none of them are inappropriate massages, and whichever you choose you will receive a professional massage. FULL BODY MASSAGE does NOT mean body to body and the genitals at no time will be touched.... Below is a thorough description of how I do it!
I adjust the pressure to how the individual wants it. (So can I do light can I do deep tissue if requested.
Light is not a problem, the lighter it is the less it will work from a swedish body aspect, but you should leave feeling very relaxed.) I start off with shoulders then middle and lower back go onto the glutes before asking you to roll onto your side, then massaging your neck into your collar bone either side.
You then turn back over and I massage thighs, calves and feet before going on your front where I do other side of calves and feet covering everywhere except groin, then finish the massage with the abdominals, chest, arms and hands. *Herbal teas are offered at the start and a hot steam towel is given to you at the end to take any excess oil off.*
I have studied in Swedish body
Massage, Life Coaching, Hands on healing and Crystal Healing