Being in the massage business you know that when it comes to promoting your advert especially when it costs money you want a good return on your investment.
Things that you can do straight away to improve your adverts ROI is to think carefully about the picture you use in your advert. The better the quality of your advert the more chances you advert will be clicked and for those that do not add an image, any image is better than no image!
The content of you ad is also very important from a viewers point of view and for search engines. Make sure your advert has enough information to let people know about your services, not too short and not too long that it bores them.
Finally, once you have mastered the above tips you can improve your visibility of your massage ad by making it a featured ad and also putting up a banner in the side bar. Featured ads are shown above all regular ads in a vibrant colour and by also putting up a banner which will get shown in the side bar of all other ads. By linking your banner ad to your main advert this is the best strategy for even more clicks.
To make your advert featured when creating a new ad simply check the Featured ad box and this can also be done when re-listing your ads too.
To ad a banner to our site please use the contact form or email us: iam (@)