Search for independent massage therapists in all major cities in the UK. These are therapists that specialise in therapeutic massage treatment services such as deep tissue, Swedish, Lomi Lomi, Thai and other massages. Many also offer sensual massage that includes body to body massage, tantric, oil massage, lingam, yoni, prostate and other adult services to your liking. Masseuses and masseur can be found in your local area using the search facility on the right, major hot spots are London, Manchester, Birmingham, Nottingham, Milton Keynes, Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast.


Sensual massage to fit your needs. Level 3 in sports massage and relaxation. Can do anything you want.
111 total views, 0 today


Lovely thai lady experienced in deep tissue,tantric,hard/soft massages,cupping,B2B/oil massages.All ages catered for,older gentlemen especially welcome.Half hr,1hr + appointments ,no witheld numbers.I am 38 yrs,5’3″,size 8,long […]
1040 total views, 0 today

Elite massage

Goodafternoon I am a high class masseuse European Beautiful refined graceful skilled in many forms of therapeutic and sensual massage. I also am availble for […]
497 total views, 1 today