Male massage therapist in York


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Additional Info

Contact NameDan
Phone Number07526 852382
StreetDerwent Way
Town / (Specific Area)York
CountyNorth Yorkshire
CountryUnited Kingdom
Zip/Postal CodeYo310rq

We all need “me” time. For each of us this means a different thing. For some it could mean feet up in front of the TV, for another a glass of bubbly or your favourite chocolates in the bath. The Massage Room is all about me time. The truth is, me time is essential and beneficial to our mental health well being as much as it is to our physical. For that reason, The Massage Room has created that place where you can have me-time in a relaxed beautiful environment. You can then leave feeling rejuvenated, rested and “Me” again….

January 12, 2023 4:02 am

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